Can I Choose The Paper Quality Of The Book?2021-08-18T15:34:44+00:00

All the titles are printed on premium quality of paper. Currently, we don’t allow Authors to select the Paper Quality/Book-Size as we are determined to give the best product. You can request us a sample copy to check the quality of our books.

How often will I get the sales report of my novel?2016-12-04T09:45:35+00:00

Authors’ Ink present a sales report biannually.

What is the system for the royalty payment? How frequent will it be paid?2016-12-08T11:02:06+00:00

The royalty to the author will be paid biannually.

Should I concentrate any of my efforts on special sales?2015-11-22T16:42:47+00:00

Every book is a success only when the author and the publisher work in coordination with each other. Authors’ Ink India promote books but it is just the half job done. So, author need to promote the book at his/her level.

What if I want to purchase my book?2015-11-22T16:41:51+00:00

If the author needs more copies than the complimentary copies, the author can purchase the book from Authors’ Ink at an attractive discount.

Will Authors’ Ink help me launching the book?2015-11-22T16:40:36+00:00

Yes. We have certain tie ups in the country which help us to promote the book and same will be available for all the authors getting published by us.

Will my book be available in Book Stores?2021-08-18T15:34:44+00:00

Yes,We have tie-ups with certain bookstores across India. However,the avalivity of a particular title/titles depends entirely upon the selection of the bookstore/distributor. We are working hard to expand our distribution network.

Will the book be available as an e-book on stores?2021-08-18T15:34:44+00:00

All the titles will be available as e-book on Google play store, kobo, daily hunt and other leading e-book stores online.

Will my book be available on online portals?2015-11-22T16:37:34+00:00

In modern scenario, online selling of books is an essential part for success of any book. Keeping in view, we promote our books on all leading e-commerce sites (Amazon, Flipkart, PayTm, Infibeam, Pustakmandi etc.)

Will the book be available in literature fests?2021-08-18T15:34:44+00:00

Authors’ Ink takes part in many literature fests around the country. All the titles of Authors’ Ink are promoted at those events.

Will the company help me in promoting my book?2015-11-22T16:35:17+00:00

Yes. Authors’ Ink has a dedicated promotion team “Paper Planes Book Marketing” which help to bridge the gap between writers and readers. Authors’ Ink India has tie ups with good bookstores, CCDs and newspapers around the country.

Will the final book be published after my approval?2015-11-22T16:34:18+00:00

Authors’ Ink has a process that keeps authors in loop at each step. Before the approval of the author on the previous step, the next step is not initiated.

Will the cover of my book designed by the Authors’ Ink? Will it be designed by my consent?2016-12-08T11:07:53+00:00

Authors’ Ink have a full team of designers ready to support the authors 24×7. The cover will be designed with full consent with the author.

Do I need to edit my book?2015-11-22T16:32:19+00:00

Authors’ Ink provide full liberty to the authors to keep their work original. So, they can opt for self editing. However, if not, Authors’ Ink has a dedicated team in the name “Trust Worthy Editing Works” for flawless editing.

Should I go for traditional publishing or self publishing?2021-08-18T15:34:46+00:00

Authors’ Ink publishers support both traditional and self published books. It is entirely the decision of the author. Please refer to publishing process tab for the details.

How long will it take for my book to hit the markets after the agreement is made?2016-12-08T11:10:42+00:00

Authors’ Ink have a motive that there should not be any delay after the agreement. If all goes smooth, the book will hit the market within three months of signing the agreement.

Who sets the price of my book?2015-11-22T16:27:41+00:00

The price of the book is set by Authors’ ink in traditional publishing and is set with the due consent of the author in the self publishing method.

What are the royalties, distribution and promotions schemes, number of copies that will be published etc.?2015-11-22T16:26:43+00:00

We at Authors’ Ink follow a strategy for each book which varies from genre to genre to make to most out of the book. Hence, all these points are discussed once the book is accepted for publishing by our editorial team. Before that, the data being confidential would not be shared.

When will be the agreement made?2015-11-22T16:25:32+00:00

Since agreement is generally made when the terms and conditions are final, Authors’ Ink follow the same legal guidelines and the agreement is made when all the conditions are accepted by both the publisher and the author after the finalization of the manuscript.

Do I need to come to the office of Authors’ Ink for signing the agreement?2015-11-22T16:22:43+00:00

Since writers can be from any corner of India, we understand that it is not possible for everyone to visit Authors’ Ink. So, the agreement will be sent to the author by mail or any other source. However, if someone wish to visit the office, the doors are always open.

Do we require any information of applicable laws for signing the agreement?2015-11-22T16:21:39+00:00

No. Any extra legal information is not required by the author. The procedure is made simple by the assistance of Authors’ Ink team.

Is agreement a legal document?2015-11-22T16:20:25+00:00

Yes, agreement is a legal document.

How can I ensure that work is not copied or used elsewhere even if it is rejected?2015-11-22T16:03:02+00:00

Authors’ Ink believes in transparency and loyalty towards its authors and the people associated with it. We as a publisher respect each work we get for evaluation.

Will I be given reasons for rejection?2015-11-22T16:01:40+00:00

Our editorial board has the final authority of accepting or declining a manuscript. The reasons are not disclosed.

Can I send the proposal again, once it is rejected?2015-11-22T15:59:56+00:00

No. If the rejected manuscript is sent again, it will straight away be rejected by our editorial team.

Will I get the Manuscript back?2015-11-22T15:58:10+00:00

Due to high load, it is not possible for us to maintain a record for manuscripts which are rejected. So, the sender will be wholly responsible for maintaining a copy with himself. Authors’ Ink is not at all responsible for any loss/damage/misplace.

If I come personally, will I be able to get my work considered?2021-08-18T15:34:46+00:00

Authors’ Ink receives hundreds of manuscripts in a month. Because of heavy work, it is not possible for us to entertain people who come personally. So, it is advised to send the manuscript over mail. Authors’ Ink ensure that each manuscript would be considered with equal priority and impartially.

Should I send a complete manuscript?2015-11-22T15:54:41+00:00

At the initial stage, it is not required to send the complete matter. Please refer to the submission guidelines for this.

How long will it take for the evaluation of my work?2015-11-22T15:52:07+00:00

Authors’ Ink Publication has a group of editors who evaluate the work within a set time frame of 1 month for primary evaluation keeping in front all the possibilities linked with the manuscript.

How do I send my proposals?2015-11-22T15:49:56+00:00

The manuscripts can be sent to us over e-mail at authorsinkindia@gmail.com. We do not accept hard copies as of now.

What kind of proposals will be entertained and evaluated?2016-12-08T11:06:05+00:00

Authors’ Ink Publications accepts proposals in two languages i.e. English and Hindi ranging from fictions, poetry, general and narrative non-fiction, biographies and memoirs and philosophy.
We also publish technical research papers or any other sort of academic material.

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