Trust Wordy Editing Works

“How do I get my work edited…?”
“I cannot find a good publisher… Getting rejections from various publishers. I feel a lack of editing is the reason… But where are good editors?”
“My manuscript got selected by a publisher but I am afraid of publishing an unedited work… Who will edit my work in such a short span?”
“I saw various advertisements of large scale editing works but the amount they take does not suit my budget… What should I do?”
Facing all these questions after writing something? Now find a common solution at Trust Wordy Editing Works.
We at trust Wordy editing works understand the notion behind the writings of a writer and edit the work to make it speak itself without playing with the story and thoughts of the writers that are behind the lines.
Come work with “Trust Wordy Editing Works” and make your book a best seller.
Book Editing Packages
- Upto 35,000 words – Rs. 25,000
- From 35,000 to 65,000 words – Rs. 35,000
- Above 65,000 words – On Request.
Proof Reading Packages
- Upto 35,000 words – Rs. 10,000
- From 35,000 to 65,000 words – Rs. 15,000
- From 65,000 words to 90,000 words – Rs. 20,000
Above 90,000 words – On Request
(First 3 Pages/1st Chapter)
*The above packages are for English Language only.Kindly contact us to get the quote for Editing/Proofreading service for any other language.
*All published prices are subject to change without prior notice.