Publishing Process

Written a book? Thinking of publishing it? Congratulations. You have completed half the way of being an author. We at Author’s Ink Publications pledge to make the rest of your path, a cakewalk. As a general case, the authors who have already written a book don’t know the essentials to publish a book. The success of the book is in the hands of the author. The essentials of publishing are the basic steps that most authors miss and hence end up not showing the best from their book.

The basic steps for the realization of dreams with Author’s Ink Publications are:

There are two styles to publish a book namely “Self-Publishing” and “Traditional Publishing”. Author’s Ink Publications publish both styles with equal dedication and support.
  • Self Publishing
  • In this style, the writer of the books pay to produce, market, distribute and warehouse the book.  This includes all the processes i.e. printing, editing, cover designing, marketing, distributing etc. The advantage of this style is the profits earned from the book is higher as compared to traditional publishing

    This style of publishing is best suited for the already established authors with a large fan base and also for those with a time-sensitive manuscript.

  • Traditional Publishing
  • This style is more popular in India and most of the books are published traditionally. In this style, the writer just has to pay a onetime security (refundable) to the publisher and other nominal costs (if any). The rest of the expenses are paid by the publisher itself and the writer does not face the quick movement of finances in the whole publishing process. The royalty is low as compared to the Self Publishing style.

    This style of publishing is best suited for the newcomers in this industry and also the authors which do not have a very large fan base behind their name.

Author’s Ink receives hundreds of messages daily just for the query of how to send a submission and with the busy schedule, sometimes it is not possible to reply to each individual. So, in order to save the time of the writer, we hereby define the steps to contact Author’s Ink.
  • Prepare a brief bio (3rd person)
  • Choose the best 3 chapters/poems/stories etc. from your work
  • Combine them into a word document along with your recent picture and send it to Authors’ ink at the e-mail
  • Author’s Ink respects the time of others and promises to revert back with the results of our preliminary evaluation process. The results are conveyed over e-mail or a phone call by our representative. The writer is then asked to send the complete manuscript if the result of positive.

    P.S. Do not confirm yourself as an author at Author’s Ink after clearing the preliminary evaluation. The decision might get reversed on reading the whole manuscript.

Author’s Ink Publications are determined to work within time frames and the final evaluation of the work is done in a month’s time. The result is again conveyed to the writer over e-mail or a phone call by our representative. After the acceptance of the manuscript by the editorial team of Author’s Ink Publications, the following steps are followed.
  • Terms and conditions are told by the Author’s Ink Publications to the writers that include the royalty, number of copies etc
  • The agreement is signed by both the parties
  • The publishing process is initiated as per the decided terms
  • After the final draft of the manuscript, the book is ready for pre-orders in a time of maximum 45 days
  • The publishing at Author’s Ink is quality checked and the best printing material is used for unmatchable get up of the book.